
Showing posts from May 26, 2024


 DEBUNKING MYTHS ABOUT SEX 1. WHEN THE MAN STRUGGLES TO ERECT, HE IS CHEATING Sometimes a man will struggle to erect or sustain an erection because he is stressed, tired, overthinking or he feels you disrespect him as his wife. Don't be so quick to accuse him of cheating 2. ONCE A CHEAT, ALWAYS A CHEAT Yes, infidelity hurts; some continue with the lifestyle but others transform to stop and be a better spouse. People can change. Marriages can thrive after infidelity if the two choose to fight for it and heal it 3. IF A WOMAN DOESN'T SQUIRT, SHE IS NOT SEXUALLY SATISFIED Not every woman will squirt in their lifetime; some even don't long to squirt because they find it messy. Don't feel under pressure, intimacy is much deeper, not a chase after squirts 4. A WOMAN WHO HAS GIVEN BIRTH IS TOO WIDE DOWN THERE The vagina is very elastic, it can expand and contract. A woman can go back to tightness after giving birth, let us not make motherhood seem like a pleasure killer 5. YOU...