Dr. Naseem Javed... memonic of success
I, Dr. Naseem Javed, a pediatric urologist, have discovered a powerful mnemonic for success that has guided me in both my professional and personal life. This mnemonic, happened to drive from my own name, serves as a guiding principle for achieving success and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Never advance suboptimal, Arrange everything possible Skill to "handle" "bleeding"... From flesh as well as from toxic people! Dr. N A S EE M J Av ED Daily "ritualistically recall" **Dr** for Daily Recall : I emphasize the importance of daily reflection and learning from past experiences. This practice allows me to continuously improve myself Dr. N A S EE M J Av ED **N** for No Nervousness : I believe in maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, especially during challenging situations. This approach helps me make sound decisions and provide the best possible care to my patients. Dr. N A S EE M J Av ED **A** for Arrange Pro...