Dr. Naseem Javed... memonic of success
I, Dr. Naseem Javed, a pediatric urologist, have discovered a powerful mnemonic for success that has guided me in both my professional and personal life. This mnemonic, happened to drive from my own name, serves as a guiding principle for achieving success and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
**Dr** for Daily Recall: I emphasize the importance of daily reflection and learning from past experiences. This practice allows me to continuously improve myself
Dr. N A S EE M J Av ED
**N** for No Nervousness: I believe in maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, especially during challenging situations. This approach helps me make sound decisions and provide the best possible care to my patients.
Dr. N A S EE M J Av ED
**A** for Arrange Project Items: I try applying this principle to my personal professional projects, This attention may be a "silly small" has helped me achieve success in my field.
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**S** for Surgical Skill: I am always emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and mastering surgical techniques to provide the best care to the patients
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**EE** for Emergency / Bleeding Control: As a pediatric urologist, I understand the importance of staying calm and focused during emergencies. My training in bleeding control has enabled me to effectively manage critical situations.
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**M** for Messaging Skill: I recognize the value of effective communication in my profession. I strive to improve my skil at conveying complex medical information in a clear and understandable manner, both to patients and colleagues.
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**J** for Jihad (Pushing Beyond Comfort Zones): I believe that true growth comes from stepping out of one's comfort zone. By challenging myself and embracing new opportunities, I have been able to achieve personal and professional milestones.
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**Av** for Aiming for Average at Least: While I strive for excellence in my work, I also understand the importance of setting realistic goals. I believe that aiming for average at least, without delay, helps maintain a steady progress towards success.
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**ED** for Erectile Dysfunction Prevention: I emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle in preventing erectile dysfunction. I advocate for making positive lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, to maintain overall health and well-being.
This mnemonic for success (Dr. NASEEM JAVED) serves as a reminder to stay focused, calm, and proactive in both personal and professional endeavors. By applying these principles in my own life, I have been able to achieve success and inspire others to do the same.
Share your thoughts at Info.NaseemJaved@gmail.com
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